Category: Marketing

  • Importance of Marketing

    Marketing is a non- negligible aspect of business because it contributes immensely to the growth of an organization. Production and distribution companies who achieve immerse profits can be attributed to a certain percentage of their budget to marketing. There is a difference between marketing and sales; marketing covers the aspect of promotions, advertising and public…

  • Guerilla Marketing Ideas, Examples and Tactics

    Guerilla Marketing is an advertising strategy focused on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum result. Guerilla marketing was coined by Jay Conrad Levinsion in 1984 in his book “Guerrilla Advertising” and was inspired by guerrilla warfare where a member of a small groups of fighters who makes a sudden attacks on their enemies. It…

  • Guide to Marketing Metrics and Marketing Analytics

    Guide to Marketing Metrics and Marketing Analytics

    Over 40% – 50% qualified marketers have no idea of what a 10% increase in budget could do for their companies. If you belong to the group of 40% – 50%  then you will have difficulties protecting your budget rather you might end up asking yourself this question ‘’what is going to happen now since…

  • How to get a marketing Career

    How to get a marketing Career

    Choosing a career in marketing is quite enjoyable and fun if you create a passion for it. Most people who choose a career in marketing and are actively involved in marketing has always said that it has provided them with the kind of challenge they have always craved for. Do you have all what it…

  • Attraction Marketing Revealed

    Attraction Marketing Revealed

    Well it is so sad that a lot of network marketers I have met on a daily basis are still naïve and don’t really understand attraction marketing system and how it works and they are wasting their time and resources either cold callings on the telephones, in emails and chasing after friends and families and…

  • The beginning of a great Blog!

    The beginning of a great Blog!

    Learn all you need to know about blogging, it is going to be a continuous journey so I therefore want you to take advantage of all social media tools that we have, rss feeds and newsletter. Check out our contact us page to be part of this family. We welcome everyone.