Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 transformation pack for windows 7, vista and xp.

    Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 transformation pack for windows 7, vista and xp.

    Windows 8.1 and Windows 8 transformation pack is available for windows 7, vista and xp. The transforms your previous version of windows to the new windows 8.1 or windows 8. There couple of packs available to ease the set up and configuration. See the windows 8.1 and windows 8 transformation download links below. windows 8…

  • WordPress Food Recipe Theme – Best of 2014

    WordPress Food Recipe Theme – Best of 2014

    The best WordPress recipe theme is Food Recipe, this theme has a good feel and look that makes it a must get for anyone who wants to have a professional recipe site. Some details and feature I found fascinating is the scheme.org Micro-data  implementation for Recipe pages, and the need to use less plugin for…

  • WordPress review themes and plugins for 2014

    Do you want to create a review theme, here is the best of WordPress review themes and plugins for 2014. This themes and plugins have been tested and found to be reliable. My choice is however based on aesthetics, features, ease of installation and SEO. If you want to make some money online you will…

  • How to increase blog traffic 20 methods

    How to increase blog traffic 20 methods

    There are different ways to generate blog traffic, you might have been stuck after building your site and adding a great content, and surprised to see little or no traffic. Whenever you check your stats, you find out that the only visitor to the site is you. This has happened too many of us, at…

  • Page Rank in 2014

    From PR0 to PR2 in 18days To attain this status the website must be optimized for search engine spiders to read and grade the site based on Google’s algorithm. The page rank of a website is viewed in two ways: A reflection of the sites authority and relevance A domain that you can get link…

  • Importance of Marketing

    Marketing is a non- negligible aspect of business because it contributes immensely to the growth of an organization. Production and distribution companies who achieve immerse profits can be attributed to a certain percentage of their budget to marketing. There is a difference between marketing and sales; marketing covers the aspect of promotions, advertising and public…

  • Elements of a Business Plan

    A good business empire will flourish when properly and adequately planned. After considering the fact that you need a good business plan, then you will need to spend sometime doing a business survey and research. To be successful in your business, you must have useful information and all key information written down on paper. Although,…

  • Guerilla Marketing Ideas, Examples and Tactics

    Guerilla Marketing is an advertising strategy focused on low-cost unconventional marketing tactics that yield maximum result. Guerilla marketing was coined by Jay Conrad Levinsion in 1984 in his book “Guerrilla Advertising” and was inspired by guerrilla warfare where a member of a small groups of fighters who makes a sudden attacks on their enemies. It…

  • How to find social deals on Facebook.

    If you are one of the millions who don’t have a Facebook account, please take a few seconds to go online and sign up not just only for social networking but also for the great deals, discount and free gifts. Facebook Deals is a new offering, is a big business driven force that all business…

  • How to get your website traffic statistics

    Do you know I prefer using Google analytics, it is robust and fully integrates with Google webmaster tool. Another great tool is Clicky, I use it to track and analyse my blog real time. It has a free and paid version. There are certain metrics you need to look out for when analysing your blog…

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